Court Unveils New Website
Lyndhurst: The Lyndhurst Municipal Court has a new website that provides easier navigation for citizens.…

Court Develops Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Lyndhurst: The Lyndhurst Municipal Court has developed a new program dedicated to better addressing the needs of defendants and victims in cases involving crimes of violence. The Domestic Violence…

Court Awarded $25,000 Grant to Accept Electronic Citations
Lyndhurst: The Court received a $25,000 grant through the Ohio Department of Public Safety to expand the electronic capability of the Court by providing remote access to the six local police…

Court Awarded $60,000 Grant to Upgrade Video Conferencing Equipment
Lyndhurst: The Court received a $60,000 grant through the Ohio Supreme Court’s Remote Technology Grant to significantly enhance the Court’s video conferencing capabilities and its ability to conduct…

Judge Coletta Inducted into Alumni Hall of Fame
Mayfield Village: Judge Dominic Coletta was inducted into the Mayfield High School Alumni Hall of Fame during a ceremony on Thursday, September 13, 2018. Judge Coletta is the first alumni of Mayfield…

Court Delivers its First State of the Court Report
Lyndhurst Municipal Court Judge Dominic Coletta penned his first state-of-the-Court letter detailing his first sixteen months on the bench. A plan to modernize the Court, a surplus for 2018 and bail…
Court Awarded $100,000 Grant to Modernize the Court
Lyndhurst: The Court received a $100,000 grant through the Ohio Supreme Court’s 2019 Technology Grant Fund. This is one of the largest grants ever awarded by the Ohio Supreme Court to a…